0872F1 Ice Detector (2400 BAUD Output)
Advanced technology
Self de-icing/water shedding capability
weather applications supported water applications supported energy applications supported gas flux and turbulence applications supported infrastructure applications supported soil applications supported


The 0872F1 Ice Detector measures precipitation transitions between liquid and solid states. The sensor is designed to measure the intensity and duration of ice storms and differentiates rain from freezing rain as temperatures approach freezing. Ice accumulations as low as 0.13 mm (0.0005 inches) are detected.

The sensor is currently in use in weather research production programs such as the United States National Weather Service Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS), the Canadian Atmospheric Environmental Service automated weather station program, and various test programs in North America, Europe, and Asia.  

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Benefits and Features

  • Proven in the most severe environmental conditions
  • Sensing technology eliminates false signals
  • Self de-icing/water shedding capability
  • Continuous built-in test verifies sensor functions


Detailed Description

0872F1 detects ice accumulation on an ultrasonic axially vibrating tube and communicates the associated frequency changes through an RS-232 or digital current loop data link.

The 0872F1 is mounted on a pole and is designed to operate continuously in an outdoor environment. The 0872F1 requires only period recalibration; no other maintenance is normally required. The 0872F1 consists of four functional assemblies: a Main circuit card assembly (CCA), an Output Interface CCA, a Filter assembly, and a Strut and Probe assembly. The CCAs and all electrical connections are contained within the 0872F1s housing.


Datalogger Considerations

Compatible Contemporary Dataloggers

CR200(X) Series CR800/CR850 CR1000 CR3000 CR5000 CR7X CR9000X

Compatible Retired Dataloggers

CR500 CR510 CR10 CR10X 21X CR23X CR9000


  • Power Requirements: 115 VAC, ±10%, 50 to 60Hz

Power Consumption

    • Sensing Mode: 10 Watts (0.087 Amps)
    • De-icing Mode: 385 Watts (3.35 Amps)
    • Output Format: RS-232, or RS232 Current Loop (2400 BAUD)

RS232 Configuration

    • 8 Data Bits, 1 Stop Bit, No Parity, Full Duplex, Configured as Data Terminal Equipment (DTE)
    • Measurement Range: 0 – 2.5 mm (0 – 0.10 inches) of Ice
    • Minimum Measurement Threshold: 0.13 mm (0.005 inches) of Ice
    • Resolution: ± 4Hz

Environmental Limitations

    • Operating Temperature: -50°C to +50°C
    • Operating Humidity Limits: 74% RH @ 35°C to 100% RH @ 25° C
    • Wind: Steady - up to 55.5km (30 knots), Gust - up to 85.2km (46 knots)
    • Rain: 76.2mm (3") per hr with 55.5km (30 knots) winds
    • Freezing Rain: Ice accretion to 25.4mm (1”) with a 37km (20 knot) wind, at a rate of 12.7mm (1/2”) per hour
    • Ingress Protection: IPX4
    • Maximum Cable Length: 30 meters
    • Mating Connectors: Connector 1 (J1): PT06J-12-13S Connector 2 (J2): PT06J-12-10S

Cable Type

    • 0872E3CBL1-L (J1): 3 conductor, 16 AWG, Super Vu-Tron III jacket
    • 0872E3CBL2-L (J2): Multiconductor, 2- pair, 22 AWG, Shielded, Santoprene jacket

Weight & Dimensions

    • Weight: 5.7 Kg (12.55 lbs)
    • Electrical Housing: 230mm by 200mm by 110mm (L x W x D)Sensing Element & Heat Sink: 164mm by 173mm by 110mm (Overall L x W x D)
  • Compliant Standards: CE and TUV (C / US)

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