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Help on writing the code for Nortek Signature DF100 format.

JCOF May 13, 2024 07:53 AM

Hello Everyone,

Currently I am writing a code for interpreting the data from a Nortek Signature ADCP (with wave processing capabilities inbuilt). I am able to read and store the wave data which comes as a single string per burst, like this:


SerialInRecord (ComRS232,rawString,36,0,&h0D0A,NBytesReturned,11

NEMOchecksum = HexToDec(Right(rawString,2))

rawString = Left(rawString,Len(rawString)-3)

SplitStr (subStrings(),rawString,",",400,5)

If subStrings(1)="PNORW" Then
      wavesTimestamp = subStrings(2) + subStrings(3)
CallTable (Wave)

However, I am trying to do the same for current values, but the string structure is coming in different structure like this: i.e. coming in 51 lines, one line for each bin or cellnumber.










Therefore, the aim is to create a table where each line correspond to one burst with 51 columns representing bin numbers with east, north and error velocity for each bin, like this:

"TIMESTAMP","RECORD","currentTimestamp","waterLevelPres","waterTemp","startBin","stepBin","stopBin","binData(1,1)","binData(1,2)","binData(1,3)","binData(2,1)","binData(2,2)","binData(2,3)","binData(3,1)","binData(3,2)","binData(3,3)...binData(51,1), binData(51,2), binData(51,3)".

I am almost there, but instead of get one line with 51 columns, I am getting 51 lines repeating the values in 51 columns.

startBin = 1


My loop is like this, but it is not workiing properly:

     If subStrings(1)="PNORC" Then

       For c = startBin To stopBin

         binData(c,1)=subStrings(5) ' east velocity position in the serial in string

         binData(c,2)=subStrings(6) ' north velocity position in the serial in string

         binData(c,3)=subStrings(7)-subStrings(8) 'error velocity

       Next c

       currentTimestamp = subStrings(2) + subStrings(3)

     CallTable (CurrentBurst)

In resume, I would like to create a table where my columns represent my bins values and telemetry is giving me it linewise. Then I would like to scan line by line and retrieve some elements bases on position of the element in the substring.

Has anyone can guide me on that, please? I am quite noob on CR Basic programming sintax, but I feel like is just some detail I am missing.

full snippet of the code is like this:

startBin =1
stopBin = 51
stepBin = 1

Scan (1,Sec,3,0)

SerialInRecord (ComRS232,rawString,36,0,&h0D0A,NBytesReturned,11)
NEMOchecksum = HexToDec(Right(rawString,2))
rawString = Left(rawString,Len(rawString)-3)
SplitStr (subStrings(),rawString,",",400,5)

If subStrings(1)="PNORW" Then
wavesTimestamp = subStrings(2) + subStrings(3)
CallTable (WaveBurst)

If subStrings(1)="PNORS" Then

waterLevelPres = subStrings(11)

waterTemp = subStrings(12)


If subStrings(1)="PNORC" Then

For c = startBin To stopBin

 'ensNum = subStrings(4) 




Next c

currentTimestamp = subStrings(2) + subStrings(3)

CallTable (CurrentBurst)  



Best regards,

halenabob May 16, 2024 06:47 AM

This post is under review.

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