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MetSENS 500 with CR6 : Fondamentals

r.no Jul 2, 2024 06:04 PM

Why is it not working connecting a MetSENS 500 to a CR6 using Short Cut (CR6)?

I have been trying to connect a MetSENS500 (MODBUS RS-485 at 19.2K baud) Compact Weather Sensor using the five cables (G = Clear, G = Black, C2= White, C1= Green and 12v = Red) or using MetSENS500 (SDI-12) Compact Weather Sensor same wiring without white in C2. I am using the metsens cable suplied by Campbell no tricks no gimmicks, just the plain next, next, next cooking recipe and yet the there is no data coming out. I tried slowing down to 9600 bauds because there is a sticker on the WX sensor saying just that.I also tried changing the interval in case the sampling intervals were to short but nothing is comming out of the sensor. I have two indetical ones, so I swapped them as well, but no joy.

I have succesfuly connected other sensors to this CR6 (oxygen probe, temp, gps etc) it is just the MetSENS 500 that seems to be posing problems. I am more than likely missing something, could anyone point me in the right direction?


JDavis Jul 2, 2024 10:49 PM

The MetSens500 has a sticker on it indicating which communication option was ordered. If a sticker on the MetSens500 says 9600 baud, I believe you have the RS232 version. The label on the sensor cable would also say RS232.

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