In CrBasic editor I need to enter a line that will be sent to a modem, like this :
SerialOut (COMRS232),"AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","whatever",0,0".
And as you see the double quote are terminate the string before the line and, so the interpretation is wrong.
And the AT commands want these value into a double quote exclusively (simple quote ' or two quote '' not works, neither the %22 character code).
I didn't find any syntax that could be not interpretate by CrBasic (like the \ in bash).
How I'm doing it ?
Ok I get it, that's the CHR(34) code :
SerialOut (COMRS232),"AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","whatever",0,0".
Become :
SerialOut (COMRS232),"AT+CGDCONT=1,"+CHR(34)+"IP"+CHR(34)+","+CHR(34)+"whatever"+CHR(34)+",0,0"
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