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Problem data record - miss data lines and no skipped scan ? 1HZ

Branzahm Feb 2, 2016 04:07 PM


David from France.

I meet a strange problem with my CR3000.

I just want to do a scan at 1Hz, one scan by second.

The scan is running ok. On the "connect" menu on LoggerNet, in my specified table, i can see all values (and time) mooving every second. And i don't have skipped scan or skipped record.

But finally when i go to me hard drive to se my file (schedule copy every 10 minutes) i find datas but not every second at all.

Sometime i miss 200 seconds, or more, sometimes just 2 or 3 second, and somtime (rarely) it's ok.

I put the last OS version (28.02) and stil lthe same problem.

Any idea?

I tried with a simple program like this andstill the same prob.

DataTable (Aerodyne,True,-1)

   DataInterval (0,1,Sec,0)








while rtime(4) = 10 and rtime(5) = 00                  ' for example


   For Ch = 1 To 8     






    Next Ch





Thanks for your help.


JDavis Feb 2, 2016 05:11 PM

If you remove the DataInterval instruction from your data table, you should get all the records.

You should also not place Scan within a Do Loop or For Next statement. I am surprised it compiled. Keep in mind that Scan is a time synched Do Loop. You may be interested in SubScan, which I think is more approriate for what you want to accomplish.

Branzahm Feb 3, 2016 10:46 AM

Hey, thank you for your faster answer.

I did it whitout DataInterval and it's the same. For example i started my program at 10h25.00 and the first value in table is at 10h25.06, so i missed 5 seconds. Then it's every 2 or 3 seconds and i miss again 2,3 or more minutes later.. 

I just use Do Loop for my test, to let run my program indefinitly. 

I will join you my real program, actually running. 


'Autor : David CHANCEL


'Name : Programme AnaEE - Picarro G2201-i


Public BattV,  flag

Public PTemp_C

Public Tref, Temptherm(8), Ch,Tempthermocouple, c , heure, minute

 Dim Cycle As String * 1000

Dim file_cmd As Long


'Public P(nbsensor,2)

Public Aerodyne(nbmesures,1)

 Alias Aerodyne(1) = iso_546 : Units iso_546 = ppb

Alias Aerodyne(2) = iso_456 : Units iso_456 = ppb

Alias Aerodyne(3) = CO2 : Units CO2 = ppb

Alias Aerodyne(4) = N2O : Units N2O = ppb


'Definition des tempratures et humidits des sondes 5TM

Public i 


Public Sonde_5TM(2)

Alias Sonde_5TM(1) =  Hr_Sol

Alias Sonde_5TM(2) = Temp_Sol 


'Date et heure

Public rTime(9)

Alias rTime(1) = YYYY

Alias rTime(2) = MM

Alias rTime(3) = DD

Alias rTime(4) = H

Alias rTime(5) = M

Alias rTime(6) = S

Alias rTime(7) = uS

Alias rTime(8) = DayofWeek

Alias rTime(9) = DayofYear


'dclaration variables pour relais

Public rly(16)


'sonde CS215

Public CS215(2)

Alias CS215(1)= Temp_Air

Alias CS215(2)= Hr_Air



Const Altitude=320

Public CS106

Public Pression 'As Float *0.2

'Public Gaz_Concentration(5)

'Alias Gaz_Concentration(1) = Hr_Delta_iCH4_5min 

'Alias Gaz_Concentration(2) = H2O : Units H2O = %

'Alias Gaz_Concentration(3) = C12CO2 : Units C12CO2 = ppm

'Alias Gaz_Concentration(4) = Delta_5min_iCO2 :Units Delta_5min_iCO2 = ‰ 

'Alias Gaz_Concentration(5) = rr :Units rr = ‰ 


Dim Concentrations As String * 1000

Units BattV=Volts

Units PTemp_C=Deg c

'Units AirTC=Deg C

'Units RH=%


DataTable (Aerodyne,True,-1)

   'DataInterval (0,1,Sec,0)

      '  Sample(9,rTime,FP2)




  'Sample (1,iso_546,IEEE4)

    'Sample (1,iso_456,IEEE4)

    'Sample (1,CO2,IEEE4)

    'Sample (1,N2O ,IEEE4)

   ' Sample(2,Sonde_5TM(),FP2)



DataTable (Eddy,1,-1)

   'DataInterval (0,100,mSec,1)



   ' Sample(9,rTime,FP2)

   'Sample (1,iso_546,IEEE4)

    'Sample (1,iso_456,IEEE4)

    'Sample (1,CO2,IEEE4)

    'Sample (1,N2O ,IEEE4)

   ' Sample(2,Sonde_5TM(),FP2)




Sub Initialisation


       'Ouverture du RS232 pour Aerodyne - doit etre connecte sinon bloque programme

   ' SerialOpen(ComRS232,57600,0,0,1024)

    'port SW1 ON (5TM) - Alimentation sondes / ON capteur pression CS106

    PortSet (9,1)

  'port C3 ON (CS106) - - Alimentation sonde

    ' Delay (0,100,mSec)

 Cycle = "O"



      'relais a 0






'Main Program




         Call Initialisation


         RealTime (rTime)


   Loop Until rTime(4) = 10 AND rTime(5)= 25 AND rTime(6)= 00





  For Ch = 1 To 8     'repete les scans pour toutes les chambres


          'mise en route ventilos

           rly(9) = 1         





          'purge de la ligne

          Cycle = "Purge_Chambre"



          'Appel des tables  







            'Activation verin

           'mise a 1 de la variable du relais 1 / Fermeture de la chambre en cours

            rly(Ch) = 1

           'commande d'activation du relais 1



        Scan (1,Sec,1,60)  '14min * 60s  = 840 


            'pour indique que les messures sont en court 

             Cycle = "Mesure_Chambre"



            'Appel des tables  

            CallTable (Aerodyne)

           ' CallTable(Dataout)







             'remise  zero relais / ouverture de la chambre

              rly(Ch)= 0 



  Next Ch


            'relais a 0







    Scan (100,mSec,1,4200) '2h en eddy - 120 * 60 = 7200s  - 8 min = 60 * 8 = 4200


           Cycle = "EddyCo" 


            CallTable (Dataout)

            CallTable (Eddy)








To simplify, i deleted lines with sensors aquisition, serial in from analyzer, etc.

But all the lines that i deleted here are actuall in comments like "'serialin(....)" so they are not the problem of my missing values.* i guess.

Thank you again.


JDavis Feb 3, 2016 06:12 PM

I took your code and added   Const nbmesures = 4   so that it would compile. I also reduced the size of the Eddy table so the Aerodyne table would have enough space.

The code ran fine on my datalogger without any missing records. It must be that something in the code you removed is taking too much time to fit within you scan rate. You can confirm this by looking in the Status table. Skipped scans will be counted and the measurment time and processing time will be listed in microseconds. The code is compiling in sequential mode, so the needed time for the scan is the processing time plus the measurement time.

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