Course Description

Introduction to CrBasic Datalogging


CSC offers a comprehensive 2-day hands-on monitoring and data acquisition course for Campbell Scientific dataloggers and software. This course is designed for those without extensive datalogger experience or for those wanting to increase their knowledge, and it is intended for students from all disciplines.

The course utilizes LoggerNet software, our main user tool, and Campbell Scientific branded dataloggers. The skills gained in the course will be applicable towards all Campbell dataloggers (i.e. CR6, CR1000, CR300, etc.) which are widely used in Canada and abroad. You will be introduced you to the power and flexibility of Campbell equipment, and you will gain the confidence to configure your own equipment and explore the potential of Campbell dataloggers.

The training course is taught by Campbell Scientific Technical Sales Consultants and class sizes are limited to ensure personalized instruction and assistance. "Hands-on" programming exercises are used to reinforce the concepts covered by the instructors. The course provides an excellent opportunity to connect with a monitoring expert as well as other like-minded people in the industry. 

Course fees include the use of a datalogger, computer, and sensors. Lunch will be provided on all course days.

Course Outline

A brief course outline is listed below:

  • Programming the datalogger with LoggerNet Datalogger Support Software
  • Details of the datalogger programming language 
  • Interfacing a variety of sensors to the datalogger 
  • Hands-on data collection, viewing data with LoggerNet 
  • Exploration of the many capabilities of the datalogger to help users realize its maximum potential 
  • Setup of datalogger communications with a PC using LoggerNet software 
  • Looking at various types of datalogger communication options available 
  • Troubleshooting typical problems encountered when installing sensors to the datalogger 
  • A detailed description of the datalogger wiring panel 
  • Real-time graphing and data monitoring with LoggerNet (RTMC - Real Time Monitoring and Control) 
  • Site Considerations and planning
  • Optional Modules (time permitting)

Upon completion of the Introductory course, students are encouraged to take our Extended Datalogger Programming and Communications Course.

Available Training Courses



Campbell Scientific Eddy Covariance Workshops (Quebec and Ontario)

November 4-8, 2024 | Quebec Workshop: Date: November 4–5, 2024 Location: Quebec City, Quebec, Canada / Ontario Workshop: Date: November 7–8, 2024 Location: Greater Toronto Area, Ontario, Canada

Campbell Scientific Eddy Covariance Workshop Campbell Scientific is excited to announce two upcoming eddy-covariance workshops designed to equip you with essential skills in environmental flux measurements. Quebec Workshop: Date: November 4–5, 2024 Location: Quebec, more

Register (23 Seats Available)