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Current Version: 4.2.1

LoggerNetData allows one or more remote PC to access the same data without triggering a call to the data loggers. It distributes data stored in the data cache of the LoggerNet server.

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Benefits and Features

  • Allows a user on a remote computer to monitor, retrieve, or view data collected by LoggerNet and stored in the data cache
  • Displays and graphs data files
  • Processes data files and generates reports

Detailed Description

LoggerNetData includes four clients that support the following functions:

  • Data Filer
    • Retrieves either a range of data or the data since the last collection
    • Creates ASCII data files on remote PCs
    • Includes field names and date/time stamps in the ASCII data files
  • View Pro
    • Graphs historical data in a variety of formats (Line Graph, X-Y Plot, Histogram, Rainflow Histogram, and 2-D and 3-D FFTs)
    • Allows multiple data files to be opened and multiple graphs to be created
    • Displays data from a LoggerNet database table
  • RTMC
    • Graphically displays data as it is collected by LoggerNet or LoggerNetAdmin
    • Performs post-processing on the data being displayed
    • Provides developer and run-time modes
  • Split
    • Post processes data files
    • Generates text reports and html files

The Data Filer and RTMC clients connect to the LoggerNet Server's data cache via a TCP/IP link (e.g., via the Internet).

LoggerNetData is about half the price of LoggerNet, but does not include the LoggerNet Server. You must have LoggerNet or LoggerNet Admin running on the remote computer to feed the RTMC and Data Filer clients. The number of LoggerNetData clients that can attach to a single LoggerNet Server is limited only by the capabilities of the machine running the host LoggerNet Server and the network over which it is accessed.


Please note: The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible products.

Data Loggers

Compatible Note
21X (retired) The 21X requires three PROMs; two PROM 21X Microloggers are not compatible.
CR10 (retired)
CR1000 (retired)
CR10X (retired) LoggerNet is compatible with the mixed array, PakBus®, and TD operating systems.
CR200X (retired)
CR206X (retired)
CR23X (retired) LoggerNet is compatible with the mixed array, PakBus®, and TD operating systems.
CR295X (retired)
CR3000 (retired)
CR500 (retired)
CR5000 (retired)
CR510 (retired) LoggerNet is compatible with the mixed array, PakBus®, and TD operating systems.
CR800 (retired)
CR850 (retired)
CR9000 (retired)
CR9000X (retired)

Additional Compatibility Information

Software/Computer Requirements

  • Licensed copy of LoggerNet or LoggerNet Admin running on a PC


Current Version 4.2.1

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FAQs for

Number of FAQs related to LOGGERNETDATA: 4

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  1. No. Some of the components of LoggerNetData are available with other free starter software and trial software packages. For example, SplitW is included with PC200W, and RTMC Developer and View Pro are included with the LoggerNet 30 day trial. The DataFiler component is not available in a trial package.

  2. No. However, it is possible to save data to a mapped drive on a Linux server from LoggerNetData running on a Windows machine.

  3. The data cache of LoggerNet running on the same machine is available. Specify the LoggerNet server on the same machine as Localhost, rather than entering a remote IP address.

  4. LoggerNet doesn’t know which tables are available in mixed-array data loggers unless the program is identified by associating it. If no tables show up in the Data Filer table selection window, check that there is a program associated with the data logger in LoggerNet. This can be done on the Program tab of the LoggerNet Setup screen. Also, verify these two things:

    1. Scheduled collection is enabled (on the Schedule tab of the LoggerNet Setup screen).
    2. FS Area 1 is enabled (and FS Area2 if memory is being specifically allocated to it) for collection. This information is found on the respective tabs in the LoggerNet Setup Screen.