CSC recognizes exemplary student work at various scientific conferences throughout the year. The awarded student posters and papers for this year, as well as links to the work, are as follows:
The CSC Bert Tanner Agrometeorology Award was presented to two recipients at the ASM/CSAFM Joint Meeting in Portland, May 2014 (2 awards).
Jilmarie J. Stephens (UBC) - Novel Micrometeorological Surface Parameterization Using Physically Based Scaling Variables
Hughie Jones (UBC) - Evaporation, Transpiration and Water Use Efficiency in Two Young Hybrid Poplar Plantations in Canada's Aspen Parkland
CMOS Congress June 2014
Yin Sun - Change of Water Vapor in UTLS Caused by Deep Convections
Eastern Snow Conference 2014
Aaron Thompson - Radar observations of seasonal snow in an agricultural field in S. Ontario during the 2013-2014 winter season (Paper and Poster)
Canadian Geophysical Union 2014
Tara Despault - Fluorescence fingerprinting of dissolved organic matter in the Attawapiskat River Watershed – Towards the development of in situ proxies for mercury in northern waters