PLS-C Pressure Probe with Conductivity Sensor
Robust, Reliable
Measure surface water levels
weather applications supported water applications supported energy applications supported gas flux and turbulence applications supported infrastructure applications supported soil applications supported


The OTT PLS-C Pressure Probe and Conductivity Sensor is used for accurately measuring the water, level, temperature, and specific electric conductivity of ground and surface waters. Based on the specific conductivity, the PLS-C also calculates the salinity and a total dissolved solids (TDS) value. The PLS-C uses a robust ceramic pressure cell and 4-electrode conductivity cell. 

Its extremely low power consumption makes it ideal for long-term deployment, particularily at solar powered measuring stations for ground and surface waters.

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Benefits and Features

  • Low power consumption
  • Ideal for long-term deployment


Detailed Description

The PLS-C pressure probe is used for precisely measuring the water level of ground and surface waters. To determine the water level, the pressure probe measures the hydrostatic pressure of the water column using a relative pressure cell. As a reference, a pressure compensation capillary in the pressure probe cable provides the measuring cell with the current ambient air pressure. Erroneous measurement results due to atmospheric air pressure fluctuations are thus eliminated. The PLS-C measures the specific electric conductivity using a 4-electrode conductivity sensor with built-in temperature sensor. The measurement electrodes are made of graphite.


Desiccant Filter

The PLS-C is meant to be used with the C1420 desiccant filled vent filter, which is used to keep moisture out of the vent tube.

Datalogger Considerations

Compatible Contemporary Dataloggers

CR200(X) Series CR800/CR850 CR1000 CR3000 CR5000 CR7X CR9000X

Compatible Retired Dataloggers

CR500 CR510 CR10 CR10X 21X CR23X CR9000


Water Level Measurement (pressure)

  • Pressure sensor: ceraminc, temperaure compensated
  • Measurement range:0-4 m, 0-10 m, 0-20 m, 0-40 m, 0-100m water column
  • Resolution: (SDI-12) 0.001 m; 0.1 cm; 0.01 ft; 0.1 mbar; 0.001 psi
  • Accuracy (linearity and hysteresis): ≤ ±0.05 % 
  • Long-term stability (linearity and hysteresis): ≤ ±0.1%/αFS 
  • Temperature compensated operating range: – 5 °C to +45 °C (ice-free)

 Temperature Measurement

  • Sensor: NTC
  • Measuring range: –25°C to +70°C (ice-free)
  • Calibrated range: +5°C to +45°C 
  • Resolution: 0.01°C
  • Accuracy: ±0.0°C 

 Conductivity Measurement

  • Sensor: 4 graphite electrodes
  • Calibrated range: +5°C to +45°C

    Measuring range: 5 to 2.000 µS/cm
  • Resolution: 1 µS/cm
  • Accuracy: ±1 µS/cm or ±0.5% of measured value (whichever is higher)
  • Unit: µS/cm

    Measuring range: 0.1 to 100 mS/cm
  • Resolution: 0.01 mS/cm
  • Accuracy: ± 0.01 mS/cm or ±1.5% of measured value (whichever is higher)
  • Unit: mS/cm
  • Available interfaces: SDI-12, RS485 (via SDI-12 protocol)

Electrical Data

  • Supply voltage: 6 to 27 V DC, typically 12/24 V DC

Supply Consumption

  • SDI-12 sleep-mode: <30 a="" li="">
  • SDI-12 active-mode: <32 ma="" li="">

Dimensions and Weight

  • Dimensions (Ø x h): 317 mm x 22 mm
  • Weight (probe): approx. 0.43 kg