QDP Connector Quick Deploy (QDP) Systems with prewired and programmed connection ports
Easy, Plug n' play
Pre-wired, Pre-Programmed, Quick Deploy Systems
weather applications supported water applications supported energy applications supported gas flux and turbulence applications supported infrastructure applications supported soil applications supported


No time to wire and program your Campbell Scientific (Canada) system?  Tired of having to unwire sensors for their regular maintenance? Let us help. 

Consider installing QDP Connectors for each external component. Purchasing the QDP Connector option includes pre-wiring, testing, and programming that make up a Quick Deploy system. The logger will be programmed with a basic program. More complex programming is available for an additional cost.

The enclosure will be fitted with QDP Connectors on its underside allowing for easy attachment of the sensors. Sensors with the appropriate connector plug are simply attached to connector ports on the outside of the enclosure. When the system is delivered to you, it is ready for deployment in the field.

Find out more about our Quick Deploy services...

Contact Campbell Scientific for more information about quick deploy system options.

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Benefits and Features

  • Combines flexibility with ease of use
  • Eliminates the task of wiring sensor leads into the datalogger’s terminal strips
  • Facilitates sensor replacement during field maintenance (replacement sensor with connector needed)
  • Includes a default program that matches sensor configuration
  • Reduces wiring errors by inexperienced field technicians who are unfamiliar with the equipment
  • Shortens deployment time
  • Allows each enclosure in a large network to be similar to the other enclosures
  • Provides an ideal solution for systems with stable sensor configurations


Detailed Description

The quick deploy enclosure using QDP Connectors can house a datalogger, power supply, and one or more peripheral (depending on the peripheral’s footprint). You order the sensors, datalogger, power supply, and communication peripherals separately. Compatible sensors, peripheral cables, and solar panels have a QDP option.

The enclosure is shipped with the L7363 enclosure supply kit that consists of desiccant, a humidity indicator card, cable ties, wire tie tabs, putty, grommets, screws, and PVC coupling. Connectors, communication ports, and the enclosure mounting bracket are chosen as options.

The enclosure can be mounted to any of our tripods or towers, or to a user-supplied pipe.



Our prewired enclosures can house any peripheral that our standard enclosures can house. Equipment that can be attached to the outside of the prewired enclosure include:

  • Sensors—a QDP Connector version is available for most Campbell Scientific sensors.
  • Solar panels—Campbell Scientific offers a variety of solar panels.
  • Keyboard display—the CR1000KD can be connected via an optional CS I/O port.
  • Laptop—an RS-232 or CS I/O port can be added to the outside of the enclosure allowing laptop connection.
  • Ethernet cable—an optional Ethernet port is offered that supports communications over a local network or a dedicated Internet connection.
  • Antennas—the outside of the enclosure can include connectors for attaching antenna cables.
  • Measurement and control peripherals—cables used to connect our SDMs and multiplexers.

Datalogger Considerations

Compatible Contemporary Dataloggers

CR200(X) Series CR800/CR850 CR1000 CR3000 CR5000 CR7X CR9000X

Compatible Retired Dataloggers

CR500 CR510 CR10 CR10X 21X CR23X


  • Internal Dimensions:
    Varies with enclosure type 
    (refer to enclosure pages for details)
  • Weight: 
    Varies with enclosure type (refer to enclosure pages for details)
  • Color: White (reflects solar radiation, reducing temperature gradients inside the enclosure without requiring a separate radiation shield)
  • Construction: fiberglass-reinforced polyester enclosure with door gasket, external grounding lug, stainless steel hinge, and a lockable hasps
  • Enclosure Classification: NEMA 4X (before being modified)