T-200B Geonor all-weather precipitation gauge (600mm, 1000mm, 1500mm)
Field tested
Proven long term reliability
weather applications supported water applications supported energy applications supported gas flux and turbulence applications supported infrastructure applications supported soil applications supported


Precipitation can be reported at intervals ranging from real-time intensity to any interval required. The precipitation gauge is simple to configure for use with automatic data acquisition units.   The standard    T-200B has a 600 mm capacity and one vibrating wire sensor.  Options include the 1000 mm or 1500 mm capacities and three sensor arrangements.

With the use of antifreeze, any solid precipitation is melted in the container. Therefore, no electrical heating is required, thus eliminating a common source of error. A thin layer of oil is added to impede any evaporation.

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Benefits and Features

  • Easy to install
  • Calculates precipitation intensity
  • No internal heating required
  • Interfaces with most data acquisition systems
  • Vibrating wire weighing sensors
  • Proven long term reliability with more than 25 years of field use


Detailed Description

The T-200B Series Precipitation Gauges are weighing bucket precipitation gauges. They are available in 600-mm, 1000-mm and 1500-mm capacity versions. It uses a precision vibrating wire (VW) transducer to weight and determine the precipitation collected. The collection container in the T-200B Series gauge is suspended from three points, each supporting 1/3 of the weight.  With this type of set-up there are options available to measure precipitation with up to triple redundancy.

The gauge has a protective housing with a WMO standard 200 cm² inlet. Inside there is a container for collecting the precipitation. The amount of precipitation is measured by using vibrating wire load sensors. The instrument as well as a wind shield is mounted to the pedestal.

Using a 3 sensor system ensures the continuation of data recording if one of the sensors should fail. This is made possible with a retaining device. It also ensures that the total amount of the precipitation will be measured even if there is a slight deviation from the horizontal plane.


Datalogger Considerations

Compatible Contemporary Dataloggers

CR200(X) Series CR800/CR850 CR1000 CR3000 CR5000 CR7X CR9000X

Compatible Retired Dataloggers

CR500 CR510 CR10 CR10X 21X CR23X CR9000



  • 600 mm
  • 1000 mm
  • 1500 mm

Collection Area:

  • 200 centimetres square


  • 0.05 mm (600 mm)
  • 0.075 mm (1000 mm)
  • 0.1 mm (1500 mm)


  • 0.1% full scale


  • 0.1 mm

Operating Temperature:

  • -40 C to 60 C

Temperature Drift:

  • 0.001% full scale/ degree Celsius