Data Loggers / CR300
This product is not available for new orders. We recommend ordering: CR350.
CR300 Datalogger
Services Available
Repair Yes
Free Support Yes


The CR300 is a multi-purpose, compact measurement and control data logger. This small, low-cost, high-value data logger offers fast communications, low power requirements, built-in USB, and excellent analog input accuracy and resolution. The CR300 can measure most hydrological, meteorological, environmental, and industrial sensors. It concentrates data, makes it available over varied networks, and delivers it using your preferred protocol. It also performs automated on-site or remote decision making for control and M2M communications. The CR300 is ideal for small applications requiring long-term, remote monitoring and control.

The CR300 includes Wi-Fi, cellular, or the following radio options for different regions:

  • CR300-RF407: US and Canada
  • CR300-RF412: Australia and New Zealand
  • CR300-RF422: Europe
  • CR300-RF427: Brazil

Note: Campbell Scientific does not recommend the CR300 for use as a PakBus router in networks with more than 50 devices. Large arrays or string variables may also reach memory limits. For such applications, a CR1000X Measurement and Control Datalogger is recommended.

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Benefits and Features

  • Connects directly to a computer's USB port
  • Differentiates even slight changes in data values with higher resolutions measurements (24 bit Adc)
  • Provides simple serial sensor integration and measurement with SDI-12 and/or RS-232
  • Supports full PakBus networking
  • Includes embedded web page for direct connection via web browser
  • CR300-Cell205 ideal for cellular communications in Canada


CR300-RF407 front view
CR300-RF412 front view
CR300-RF427 front tilt view
CR300-RF422 front view
CR300-WIFI front view
CR300-CELL200 front view
CR300-CELL205 front view
CR300-CELL215 front view
CR300-CELL200 with Ships With items

Detailed Description

The CR300 is a low-powered data logger designed to measure sensors, analyze data, and store data and programs. A battery-backed clock assures accurate timekeeping. The on-board, BASIC-like programming language—common to all Campbell Scientific data loggers—supports data processing and analysis routines.

The CR300 wiring panel includes a switchable 12 V terminal, and analog grounds dispersed among six analog terminals.


Please note: The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible products.


Compatible Note
DevConfig Version 2.12 or higher
LoggerLink Version 1.5 or higher
LoggerNet Version 4.4 or higher
PC200W (retired) Version 4.4 or higher
PC400 Version 4.4 or higher
Short Cut Version 3.2 or higher

Additional Compatibility Information


With several channel types, the CR300 is compatible with nearly every available sensor. This includes analog output voltage (0 to 2.5 V) and current (0 to 20 mA or 4 to 20 mA) sensors, thermistors, and RTDs to name a few. It is also compatible with pulse or frequency output sensors such as anemometers, rain gauges, and flow meters. CR300 dataloggers are not capable of applying reverse excitation, and they cannot be used with some conductivity or soil matric potential sensors.

SDI-12, Modbus, and other serial sensors are supported with the RS-232 port and C1 and C2 as a Tx/Rx pair. The CR300 does not directly support RS-485 sensors.

Measurement & Control Peripherals

The CR300 is compatible with low current and voltage solid-state relays but not with SDM or CDM devices.


The CR300 series is compatible with CRBasic (version 3.6 or higher).


An ENC10/12 or ENC12/14 enclosure is adequate for most CR300-based systems.


The CR300 can communicate with a PC directly via its USB port. Compatible telemetry devices include our RS-485 converters, digital cellular gateways, RF telemetry, and satellite transmitters (HDR GOES, Argos, Meteosat, Iridium, and Inmarsat). Data can be viewed on an iOS or Android device (requires our free LoggerLink app), CD295 DataView II Display, or other third-party devices.

Data Logger Option Communications Type Integrated Communications Are Compatible with


2.4 GHz, 20 MHz bandwidth

Most other Wi-Fi devices, such as the CR310-WIFI, CR6-WIFI, NL240


902 to 928 MHz Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum

RF407, CR6-RF407, CRVW3-RF407


915 to 928 MHz Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum

RF412, CR6-RF412, CRVW3-RF412


868 MHz SRD860 LBT+AFA

RF422, CR6-RF422, CRVW3-RF422


2G Frequency Bands 850, 900, 1800, 1900

3G Frequency Bands 800, 850, 900, 1900, 2100




The CR300 uses an external power source and has a built-in charger/regulator. Intelligent power sourcing autoselects the highest voltage from three input sources (CHG, BAT, or USB) to operate in one of the following four modes:

  • UPS (recommended) - A 16 to 32 Vdc source, solar panel (SP10, SP20), or power converter (29796) is used to charge a 12 Vdc battery, such as our BP7 or BP12.
  • 12 Vdc battery or other reliable 12 Vdc source
  • Charge only - DC power supply (16 to 32 Vdc)
  • USB - Powered over 5 Vdc USB port for setup, programming, and testing (will not charge battery or boost USB power to provide 12 Vdc to the switched battery terminal SW12)


-NOTE- Additional specifications are listed in the CR300-Series Specifications Sheet.
Operating Temperature Range
  • -40° to +70°C (standard)
  • Non-condensing environment
Maximum Scan Rate 10 Hz
Case Material Powder-coated aluminum
Analog Inputs 6 single-ended or 3 differential (individually configured)
Pulse Counters 8 (P_SW, P_LL, C1, C2, and SE1 to SE4)
Voltage Excitation Terminals 2 (VX1, VX2)
Communications Ports
  • USB Micro B
  • RS-232
Switched 12 Volt 1 terminal
Digital I/O 7 terminals (C1, C2, P_SW, and SE1 to SE4) configurable for digital input and output. Includes status high/low, pulse width modulation, external interrupt, and communication functions. Exception: The SE4 terminal doesn't do external interrupt.
Input Limits -100 to +2500 mV
Analog Voltage Accuracy
  • Accuracy specifications do not include sensor or measurement noise.
  • ±(0.04% of measurement + offset) at 0° to 40°C
  • ±(0.1% of measurement + offset) at -40° to +70°C
ADC 24-bit
Power Requirements 16 to 32 Vdc for charger input (CHG) (Current limited to 0.9 A maximum for power converter or solar panel input.)
Real-Time Clock Accuracy ±1 min. per month
Internet Protocols Ethernet, PPP, RNDIS, ICMP/Ping, Auto-IP(APIPA), IPv4, IPv6, UDP, TCP, TLS (v1.2), DNS, DHCP, SLAAC, NTP, Telnet, HTTP(S), FTP(S), SMTP/TLS, POP3/TLS
Communication Protocols PakBus, Modbus, DNP3, SDI-12, TCP, UDP, and others
CPU Drive/Programs 80 MB serial flash
Data Storage 30 MB serial flash
Idle Current Drain, Average 1.5 mA (@ 12 Vdc)
Active Current Drain, Average
  • 5 mA (@ 12 Vdc for 1 Hz scan with 1 analog measurement)
  • 23 mA (@ 12 Vdc with processor always on)
Dimensions 13.97 x 7.62 x 4.56 cm (5.5 x 3.0 x 1.8 in.)
Additional clearance required for cables and leads.
Weight 242 to 250 g (0.53 to 0.55 lb) depending on communication option selected

CR300-RF407 Option

Radio Type Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS)
Output Power 5 to 250 mW (user-selectable)
Frequency 902 to 928 MHz (US, Canada)
RF Data Rate 200 kbps
Receive Sensitivity -101 dBm
Antenna Connector RPSMA (External antenna required; see for Campbell Scientific antennas.)
Idle Current Drain, Average 12 mA (@ 12 Vdc)
Active Current Drain, Average < 80 mA (@ 12 Vdc)

CR300-RF412 Option

Radio Type Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS)
Output Power 5 to 250 mW (user-selectable)
Frequency 915 to 928 MHz (Australia, New Zealand)
RF Data Rate 200 kbps
Receive Sensitivity -101 dBm
Antenna Connector RPSMA (External antenna required; see for Campbell Scientific antennas.)
Idle Current Drain, Average 12 mA (@ 12 Vdc)
Active Current Drain, Average < 80 mA (@ 12 Vdc)

CR300-RF422 Option

Radio Type 868 MHz SRD 860 with Listen Before Talk (LBT) and Automatic Frequency Agility (AFA)
Output Power 2 to 25 mW (user-selectable)
Frequency 863 to 870 MHz (European Union)
RF Data Rate 10 kbps
Receive Sensitivity -106 dBm
Antenna Connector RPSMA (External antenna required; see for Campbell Scientific antennas.)
Idle Current Drain, Average 9.5 mA
Active Current Drain, Average 20 mA

CR300-RF427 Option

Radio Type Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS)
Output Power 5 to 250 mW (user-selectable)
Frequency 902 to 907.5 MHz/915 to 928 MHz (Brazil)
RF Data Rate 200 kbps
Receive Sensitivity –101 dBm
Antenna Connector RPSMA (External antenna required.)
Idle Current Drain, Average 12 mA (@ 12 Vdc)
Active Current Drain, Average < 80 mA (@ 12 Vdc)

CR300-WIFI Option

Operational Modes Client or Access Point
Operating Frequency 2.4 GHz, 20 MHz bandwidth
Antenna Connector Reverse Polarity SMA (RPSMA)
Antenna pn 16005 unity gain (0 dBd), 1/2 wave whip, omnidirectional with articulating knuckle joint for vertical or horizontal orientation
Transmit Power 7 to 18 dBm (5 to 63 mW)

CR300-CELL200 Option

-NOTE- The CR300-CELL200 option is not compatible with a Verizon cellular network.
Cell Technologies
  • 3G (UMTS/HSPA+)
2G Frequency Bands 850, 900, 1800, and 1900 MHz
3G Frequency Bands 800, 850, 900, 1900, and 2100 MHz
Antenna Connector SMA (External antenna required; see for Campbell Scientific antennas.)
SIM Interface 3FF (6 position/contacts)
Supports SIMs that require 1.8 or 3 V.
Radio Output Power
  • 24 dBm on UMTS
  • 27 dBm on EDGE
  • 33 dBm on GSM
Radio Sensitivity Range -99.5 to 110.5 dBm (10 M)

CR300-CELL205 Option

-NOTE- The CR300-CELL205 option is not compatible with a Verizon cellular network.
Certifications IC (Industry Canada) 10224A-201611EC21A
Cell Technologies
  • 3G (UMTS/HSPA+)
  • 4G (LTE CAT-1)
3G Frequency Bands 850, 1700/2100 (AWS), and 1900
4G Frequency Bands 700, 850, 1700/2100 (AWS-1), 1900
Antenna Connector SMA (External antenna required; see for Campbell Scientific antennas.)
SIM Interface 3FF (6 position/contacts)
Supports SIMs that require 1.8 or 3 V.
Radio Output Power
  • 23 dBm on LTE
  • 24 dBm on UMTS
  • 27 dBm on EDGE
  • 33 dBm on GSM
Radio Sensitivity Range -99.5 to 110.5 dBm (10 M)

CR300-CELL210 Option

-NOTE- The CR300-CELL210 option is only compatible with a Verizon cellular network.
Cell Technologies 4G (LTE CAT-1)
4G Frequency Bands 700, 850, 1700, 1900, 2100
Antenna Connector SMA (External antenna required; see for Campbell Scientific antennas.)
Power Consumption - Low Power Mode 5 mA
Power Consumption - Idle 35 mA
Power Consumption - Active 70 mA
SIM Interface 3FF (6 position/contacts)
Supports SIMs that require 1.8 or 3 V.
Radio Output Power 23 dBm on LTE
Radio Sensitivity Range -99.5 to 110.5 dBm (10 M)

CR300-CELL215 Option

-NOTE- The CR300-CELL215 option is intended for use in EMEA countries.
Cell Technologies
  • 3G (UMTS/HSPA+)
  • 4G (LTE CAT-1)
2G Frequency Bands 900 and 1800 MHz
3G Frequency Bands 850, 900, and 2100 MHz
4G Frequency Bands 800, 850, 900, 1800, 2100, and 2600 MHz
Antenna Connector SMA (External antenna required; see for Campbell Scientific antennas.)
SIM Interface 3FF (6 position/contacts)
Supports SIMs that require 1.8 or 3 V.
Radio Output Power
  • 23 dBm on LTE
  • 24 dBm on UMTS
  • 27 dBm on EDGE
  • 33 dBm on GSM
Radio Sensitivity Range -99.5 to 110.5 dBm (10 M)

CR300-CELL220 Option

-NOTE- The CR300-CELL220 option is intended for use in Australia.
Cell Technologies
  • 3G (UMTS/HSPA+)
  • 4G (LTE CAT-1)
3G Frequency Bands 850 and 2100 MHz
4G Frequency Bands 700, 850, 1800, 2100, and 2600 MHz
Antenna Connector SMA (External antenna required; see for Campbell Scientific antennas.)
SIM Interface 3FF (6 position/contacts)
Supports SIMs that require 1.8 or 3 V.
Radio Output Power
  • 23 dBm on LTE
  • 24 dBm on UMTS
Radio Sensitivity Range -99.5 to 110.5 dBm (10 M)

CR300-CELL225 Option

-NOTE- The CR300-CELL225 option is intended for use in Japan.
Cell Technologies 4G (LTE CAT-1)
4G Frequency Bands 800 (lower), 800 (upper), 850+, 900, 1800, and 2100 MHz
Antenna Connector SMA (External antenna required; see for Campbell Scientific antennas.)
SIM Interface 3FF (6 position/contacts)
Supports SIMs that require 1.8 or 3 V.
Radio Output Power 23 dBm on LTE
Radio Sensitivity Range -99.5 to 110.5 dBm (10 M)


CR300 Series OS v.11.02 (5.19 MB) 06-02-2025

This download is for the CR300 series of dataloggers including all CR300 and CR310 models. Execution of this download places the Operating System file(.obj) on your computer. It also updates the CRBasic Editor compiler and support files. 

Why Update? This OS adds Campbell Cloud compatibility enhancements and resolves bugs found in the previous OS. See the revision history for a complete list. With this OS update, it is recommended that you also update the Device Configuration Utility to the most recent version so that new datalogger features are available in the utility.  

Note/Warning: Campbell Scientific always recommends updating operating systems on site if possible. When remote updates are required, it is recommended that you implement the necessary precautions to handle unexpected OS upload complications. All datalogger settings should be retained when updated remotely. If you choose to roll back to a previous operating system, the datalogger settings will be reset to default.

Watch the Video Tutorial: Sending an OS to a Local Datalogger.

View Revision History

CR300 QuickStart Program (569 KB) 15-03-2016

The CRBasic program referenced in the CR300 QuickStart videos and manual.

FAQs for

Number of FAQs related to CR300: 1

  1. No. The CR300 datalogger does not have the ability to do autobaud.