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Displaying 21 - 40 of 160 articles

Why Is the CR6 the Preferred Automated Monitoring Platform for Geotechnical Applications Worldwide?

Author: Michael Adams | Last Updated: 01/08/2024 | Comments: 0

why is the cr6 the preferred automated monitoring platform for geotechnical applications worldwide?

If you’re not using a CR6 Automated Monitoring Platform for your geotechnical application, you may be missing out on some key benefits that could help ensure the success of your instrumentation and monitoring network. Based on my 30 years of experience with data-acquisition systems, I’ll... read more

Tips to Troubleshoot and Optimize Large RF Networks: Part 3

Author: Nathanael Wright | Last Updated: 01/02/2024 | Comments: 0

tips to troubleshoot and optimize large rf networks: part 3

Here is our final blog article in our three-part series on troubleshooting your radio frequency (RF) networks. In this article, I’ll share with you four more tips (11 through 14). If you missed parts 1 and 2 or want to review them again, here are... read more

Tips to Troubleshoot and Optimize Large RF Networks: Part 2

Author: Nathanael Wright | Last Updated: 12/20/2023 | Comments: 1

tips to troubleshoot and optimize large rf networks: part 2

In this blog article, I’ll share with you the next five tips (6 through 10) that you can use to help troubleshoot your radio frequency (RF) networks. This is the second article in our three-part series. If you missed my first article or want to... read more

Tips to Troubleshoot and Optimize Large RF Networks: Part 1

Author: Nathanael Wright | Last Updated: 10/31/2023 | Comments: 0

tips to troubleshoot and optimize large rf networks: part 1

In this blog article, and the next two in the series, I’m going to share with you some tips you can use to help troubleshoot your radio frequency (RF) networks. In large RF networks, it can be challenging to achieve reliable spread-spectrum radio communications. (For our... read more

Troubleshooting Vibrating Wire Piezometers

Author: Nathanael Wright | Last Updated: 03/28/2023 | Comments: 0

troubleshooting vibrating wire piezometers

Campbell Scientific vibrating wire measurement hardware, with our patented VSPECT® technology, offers a distinct advantage over all other vibrating wire measurement systems. Unlike non-Campbell Scientific vibrating wire interfaces that use pulse counting to derive vibrating wire frequency, Campbell Scientific's VSPECT vibrating wire measurement products use spectral... read more

Easily Diagnose CELL2XX Cellular Modem Connection Issues

Author: Nathanael Wright | Last Updated: 01/12/2023 | Comments: 2

easily diagnose cell2xx cellular modem connection issues

Campbell Scientific’s CELL2XX cellular modems (CELL205, CELL210, CELL215, CELL220, and CELL225) are commonly used as a low-power alternative to the many industrial cellular solutions available on the market today and are built to easily interface with all Campbell Scientific data loggers and data-acquisition systems. Occasionally,... read more

But It’s a Dry Heat… like a Furnace

Author: Dirk Baker | Last Updated: 06/21/2021 | Comments: 6

but it’s a dry heat… <em>like a furnace</em>

In this article, I'll share my experience collaborating on a research project to record some extreme weather conditions that may even set a world record!  On August 16, 2020, the weather station located at Furnace Creek in Death Valley National Park (California, USA) recorded a temperature... read more

How to Test COM Ports and Short Haul Modems

Author: Bruce Smith | Last Updated: 04/15/2021 | Comments: 2

how to test com ports and short haul modems

Has an electrical surge or other event made you concerned that your COM port or short haul modem may not be operating properly? Do you know how to test for this? In this brief article, we’ll look at some simple tests you can perform to... read more

What You Should Know: Improvements to SMSSend()

Author: Dana Worley | Last Updated: 04/09/2021 | Comments: 0

what you should know: improvements to smssend()

Do you currently use SMSSend() in a CRBasic data logger program to send SMS messages through a Campbell Scientific CELL2XX internal or external cellular module? There are some things you should know about the recent improvements we made that affect how SMSSend() works. With the release... read more

Why Do We Need an Algorithm for Rainfall Intensity Correction?

Author: Dirk Baker | Last Updated: 03/05/2021 | Comments: 0

why do we need an algorithm for rainfall intensity correction?

In this article, I’ll explain how errors can occur when measuring the precipitation amount, discuss a correction approach, and demonstrate how an algorithm can be used to design high-quality tipping bucket rain gauges. Introduction Liquid precipitation (rain) is at once one of the simplest measurements mechanically and... read more

Pick a Memory Card, but Not Just Any Memory Card

Author: Carolyn Ivans | Last Updated: 10/23/2020 | Comments: 0

pick a memory card, but not just any memory card

You may already know that you can add external data storage to your data logger with flash-memory cards. But do you know what kind of card you need—or if you even need one? In this article, I’ll answer these and other memory card questions. In... read more

Answers to 5 Common Questions about Storing Data to Memory Cards

Author: Carolyn Ivans | Last Updated: 10/22/2020 | Comments: 5

answers to 5 common questions about storing data to memory cards

You may use CompactFlash or microSD memory cards for external storage of your data logger data, but are you using your cards correctly? In this article, I’ll answer some common questions you may have about memory card usage. Recommended for You: If you haven’t done... read more

Monitoring the Performance of Bifacial Solar PV Panels: Challenges and Opportunity

Author: Ajay Singh | Last Updated: 10/13/2020 | Comments: 0

monitoring the performance of bifacial solar pv panels: challenges and opportunity

When we are faced with challenges, there is often an opportunity for improvement. In this blog article, learn how our engineers redesigned our back-of-module (BOM) temperature sensor to resolve specific challenges that impacted the quality of bifacial solar photovoltaic (PV) panel performance monitoring. Bifacial PV panels... read more

How to Obtain Vibrating Wire Measurements in Environments with High Electromagnetic Noise

Author: Timothy Jeppsen | Last Updated: 10/07/2020 | Comments: 0

how to obtain vibrating wire measurements in environments with high electromagnetic noise

In 1997, I had my first introduction to using vibrating wire piezometers to measure groundwater fluctuations. A large engineering firm was monitoring water level to ensure that construction of a large pipeline through the San Bernardino Mountains was not intruding on the groundwater. I was... read more

Why Data-Acquisition Systems Are Key Elements to Solar Projects

Author: Libbie Anderson | Last Updated: 09/21/2020 | Comments: 2

why data-acquisition systems are key elements to solar projects

Solar photovoltaic (PV) monitoring projects often use a variety of sensors to gain information about the site performance and its available resources. To obtain this information, solar-monitoring sensors need to be connected to a database that can collect, evaluate, visualize, and interpret data from all... read more

Making Real-Time Crest Measurements

Author: Mike Nelson | Last Updated: 09/08/2020 | Comments: 0

making real-time crest measurements

There are times during major weather events when we may hear the news reporter indicate the local river is expected to crest in the next 12 hours at an estimated stage level. What is a crest and a stage level, and how do they affect me? Basically,... read more

Weather Solutions for IEC 61724-1 Class A Solar Monitoring Systems

Author: Libbie Anderson | Last Updated: 06/29/2020 | Comments: 0

weather solutions for iec 61724-1 class a solar monitoring systems

For the french version of this blog/pour la version française de ce blogue, suivez ce lien. You may have heard of the IEC 61724-1 standard to promote international uniformity in PV (photovoltaic) system performance monitoring. But why was it created, and what does it mean for you? In... read more

Solutions météorologiques pour les systèmes de surveillance solaire de classe A CEI 61724-1

Author: Libbie Anderson | Last Updated: 06/29/2020 | Comments: 0

solutions météorologiques pour les systèmes de surveillance solaire de classe a cei 61724-1

Peut-être avez-vous entendu parler de la norme IEC 61724-1 visant à promouvoir l’uniformité internationale dans le suivi du rendement des systèmes photovoltaïques (PV). Pourquoi cette norme a-t-elle été établie, et que signifie-t-elle pour vous? Dans cette entrevue avec PES (Power & Energy Solutions), Matt Perry, gestionnaire des produits... read more

Intelligent Road Weather Information Systems (RWIS) on Canadian Winter Roads

Author: Alexia Ferrari | Last Updated: 06/25/2020 | Comments: 0

intelligent road weather information systems (rwis) on canadian winter roads

Update - October 10th, 2017: Campbell Scientific Canada's intelligent Road Weather Information System, WeatherBrain, is now available! Learn more about how WeatherBrain optimizes your winter road maintenance program! An Innovative RWIS that automates decision-making Campbell Scientific Canada (CSC) is pleased to announce its intelligent Road Weather... read more

A Quick Comparison of the CR1000X, CR1000, and CR6 Dataloggers

Author: Timothy Jeppsen | Last Updated: 03/19/2020 | Comments: 4

a quick comparison of the cr1000x, cr1000, and cr6 dataloggers

We recently released the CR1000X Measurement and Control Datalogger, and you may be wondering how it compares with our widely used CR1000 datalogger and our innovative CR6 datalogger. If you’re in the market for a new data logger, how do you know which one is... read more