Sometimes, usually because of high power drawing devices, it is expedient to turn on a device for a day and then turn it off for several days to conserve power. The CS725 SWE sensor is one such device. It can be turned Off/On using the SW12 port on a datalogger, but when on, must be left on for >24 hrs to capture accurate readings.
'CR1000 Series Datalogger ' Written by: Robert Herfst, Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corp. 'The following program allows a user to set the number of DaysOff they want to 'keep a CS725 off then turn it on for a day, then off again for the set number of days. 'When connected to the logger, type in the required number of days off beside the 'public variable named "DaysOff". Public DaysOff Public Counter, DayCount Public CS725On_Off As Boolean Public DailyCounterFlag As Boolean PreserveVariables BeginProg CS725On_Off=true Scan (5,Sec,0,0) If DailyCounterFlag=True Then If TimeIntoInterval (10,1440,Min) Then DayCount=DayCount+1 EndIf If DayCount=DaysOff Then CS725On_Off=True If CS725On_Off=true Then If TimeIntoInterval (1435,1440,Min) Then SW12 (1 ) Counter=Counter+1 EndIf If Counter =2 Then If TimeIntoInterval (5,1440,Min) Then SW12 (0 ) CS725On_Off=False Counter=0 DayCount=0 DailyCounterFlag=True ' When CS725 turned off, turn on DailyCounter EndIf EndIf EndIf NextScan EndProg